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In a busy world where momma’s have so much responsibility on their plate, working from home can often be the perfect scenario. With the schedules of the family varying and momma’s needing to tend to their children and still be expected to contribute to their bank account, a lot of pressure can be added to the family if momma’s are stay-at-home mommas with no additional income. In addition, the costs of living are high so for a family of four to living an average lifestyle, both parents need income to contribute to the banking account. So let’s talk about some great ways that momma’s can work from home to have a flexible schedule. 


Become a Virtual Assistant

Are you good with Microsoft Office and skilled in writing articles or creating content? There are great job opportunities out there to support a small business virtually. There are companies that you can work for but honestly, many of those take out a lot of fees so my recommendation for you is to search Facebook groups for virtual assistant roles. There are many that are niche-specific and if you join these groups, you can post your skills directly and a small business can pay you without you paying a middle person. Typically small businesses pay around $25 an hour, depending on the skills they need of you.


Create Educational Resources to Sell

Do you have a specific talent or educational background that you could hone in on? So for example, are you a good artist? If so, you could draw clip art and sell it on TeachersPayTeachers. Or maybe you have an educational background and you are interested in creating/selling lesson plans in your niche? Sell items as one-off products on TeachersPayTeachers. Establish a website and sell your resources in a membership on Digital Creator Cures! When you create multiple streams of income for your resources, you add layers of income to your business.


Create & Sell Your Knowledge in Courses

So many of us are a walking tank of knowledge. Most of us have no idea just how valuable our knowledge would be to someone else. Think about a time when you were trying to pass a specific exam and you would’ve paid someone to help you learn the content. Or maybe you want to learn how to grow an organic garden and you have questions about how to keep pesticides off your plants without using chemicals. Wouldn’t you be willing to join a membership group to get support? A lot of people are turning to the internet and joining memberships to help coach them on something very specific in their life. You can create courses for users to join as part of a membership and then you offer a live weekly coaching call where your users can personally ask you questions. This is becoming a new way of life for so many people–and it could be your new way of sustained income too! You can do this very same thing too–create and sell your courses on Digital Creator Cures. Set your website up so that members can join and pay you a recurring monthly membership fee. Once you put the time into creating your content, your work is done. Publish your work and let the recurring income be deposited into your bank account. Start your path to freedom and flexibility to choose your days!


Create & Sell Your Graphic Designs

Graphic designs are always fun to create! Now you can make a good living selling your creative skills! Canva is a great tool to help you create graphic designs. Create digital planners, infographics, website designs, templates, the list is unlimited! Once you’ve created your designs, you are ready to advertise and sale them!


Sell Your Services

Everyone has some kind of skill they are good at! Maybe it’s photography, or event planning, coaching others on how to scale up their business, guiding others to decorate their homes or business. The possibilities are endless! And you may wonder where do I advertise my services? Advertisement is right under your nose. Your personal Facebook page, Facebook groups, and Instagram are all wonderful resources to reach out and grow to sell your services! The people that know you will support you first, and will then recommend you to others. Put yourself out there and you’ll be surprised at the support you get!


Wondering How To Get Further Support So You Can Do This Too? 

Looking for training on how to help get you started? The Membership Host offers detailed training on how to do all 5 of these tips to help you quit your day job and work online from home. Included in your monthly fee is: course training, weekly group coaching, and your own roadmap to help you understand the process! This is an amazing value included in the cost of joining! Join this group and learn oh so much and get weekly group support: Become a Digital Creator